
  • Why Plantar Fasciitis is EASY to ELIMINATE

    Should I repeat it? This injury is one of the most uncomplicated injuries to fix, yet so many people suffer from no clear direction or clue how to cure it. Look no further, boys & girls. Those days are long gone. 

    First, we need to understand what is going on mechanically & how it is essentially a "Tug of War" from hell, causing your foot & ankle pain.

    The achilles tendon attaches to your heel bone, and the plantar fascia does the same (this is a simplified version of the story, so physio's don't go crazy.) When the achilles gets tight, it pulls on the heel bone. Since all shoes have a heel drop and place the heel higher than the front of the foot - losing ROM here is typical. The plantar fascia (arch of your foot on the bottom side) also gets tight and starts to pull on the same bone. This is where the "Tug of War" begins. Who do you think will win? The strong achilles that attaches into the Soleus and Calf muscle, or the minor plantar fascia? 

    The plantar fascia has no chance, and the heel bone begins to rotate back due to the tension of the achilles. Since bone is the most sensitive tissue in the body and now your plantar fascia is losing the fight, it makes complete sense why that one spot on the bottom side of your foot begins to catch fire. It is the same spot that feels like it's stuck with a knife when you get out of bed. If this is allowed for too long, it is not uncommon for a bone spur to begin taking place. This is your heel bone's last-ditch effort to relieve the pressure/shortness of the plantar fascia. It is creating a ladder or bridge to keep it attached. That is why it looks like a bony growth on an X-ray - because it is.

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    48 分
  • The Bigger the Disaster the Better - Understand Your Pain Better

    The Test & Retest Method: 

    Einstein was not wrong when he said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. You have tried many different approaches/methods to alleviate your lower back pain. However, the kink in your back, the twinge you feel with the wrong movement, or the tension that just never goes away is still a constant problem. It is not your fault! You are in a system that keeps you in the pain cycle hamster wheel. It is profitable/great for the economy but TERRIBLE FOR YOU! You have become the means to a broken system’s end! The test and restest method will give you the WHY behind what you are doing. Learn this, and you will know when to pivot to a new exercise, mobility drill, stretch, and persevere, trusting the results will come soon. 


    The Wounded Dog in the Woods Theory


    Your body has become a wounded dog in the woods. The tension, tightness, flair-ups, general confusion, bad advice, and fear have taken their toll on your body and nervous system.  IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT that your body is confused.  It has become afraid of everything.  Like a wounded dog in the woods, your body is scared of something that might help it. When you begin to approach your body with love and empathy,  your world will begin to change.  Your body learns to relax and trust that you are there to help. When this happens, the constant aches and pains, the sleepless nights, and terrible mornings will be nothing more than a distant memory. You will no longer be the wounded dog in the woods. You are pain-free, enjoying life, and doing all of the activities you once thought were only a dream. 


    The Trampoline Effect


    Sometimes, things get worse before they get better. What happens the first time you go jogging, do situps or something else your body is not accustomed to? Your muscles get sore. We accept this with a good feeling because we know it is part of the process. When this happens with your lower back pain, many medical professionals tell you to STOP what you are doing and continue to rest with medicine? Would a doctor ever tell you the same with sore abs from situps? Of course not. 


    How often have you done the proper exercise, and things were positively sore, just like the soreness situps? You were on the right path yet advised against it! That is not your fault! I am not saying the medical system is broken on purpose (one could make a strong argument that it is), but you were on the right path before someone accidentally stopped and turned you back around. You will start to learn the difference between good and bad pain. Your body might experience some “good” pain when beginning the exercises to eliminate your lower back pain. Knowing the difference between the two is vital because it teaches you how to understand your body’s language. 


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    50 分
  • My First Discussion with Nutrition Expert Ross Cowan part Owner of Strong AF coaching

    Today we softly dive into the concept of "nutrition" and what it means to different people. Ross and Emily run a successful online coaching company that helps high-performance women get their sh#t together through nutrition and performance.


    Ross is also a good friend of mine, and our offline rants never end. My goal is to try and capture some of the offline magic and turn it into an online conversation that everyone can enjoy.


    You can learn more about Ross and Emily's company Strong AF Coaching through Instagram or TikTok, where they have TONS of followers 

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    42 分
  • Understanding Your Pain Threshold
    Everyone or I should say every human body has a threshold where it begins to feel pain. Unfortunately, most people are blind/not aware of that threshold. Therefore, they continue to push their body until their back goes out and are left wondering what in the world went wrong. Learning how to understand your pain threshold gives you x-ray vision into the cause and or root problem. Understanding this concept allows you to reverse engineer the process. Do this and pain-free days become the norm!
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    32 分
  • Why Everything Is All Your Fault and Why That is Perfect

    Why do we automatically get defensive when someone wants to blame us? Learn how reframing blame can be empowering and allow you full control to change everything! All with being grateful and not getting triggered, upset, or defensive.

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    24 分
  • How The Whoop Strap Fixed My Sleep For 2 Dollars

    I think the title says it all. However, it was the Whoop strap and my monthly membership that alleviated my unknown sleep problem. 


    In this episode, I talk about how adding earplugs into my sleep routine made the biggest difference when it came to my REM and NREM sleep.

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    26 分
  • Why We Are Broken in 2020 and WTF We Can Do About it

    What a great talk with Tom founder of @rehabscience about physical therapy, movement, taking action and #chokeholds. Ok, we did not talk about chokeholds that much, but there was a hilarious part where taken out of context it was pretty timeless 😂 All joking aside if we had more guys and girls like Tom in this world (no matter what their profession) the world would be a much gentler and nicer place! Get the full audio version of the podcast (coming tomorrow) at “The G Spot with David Grant” and be ready for our next one. We will set a date to talk about “Chronic Pain” and how we have different but similar approaches to get people and KEEP people pain-free.


    ** I am SOOOOO SORRY about the audio quality. I had my Instagram Live going at the same time. It usually causes no problem at all, so I am baffled why it did this time. 

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