Welcome to the second episode of The IV League MD podcast. Today, I talk about the process of studying your undergrad, breaking down into granular detail, how I studied to maintain a HD average in biomedicine from someone who barely finished secondary school. Discussing the GAMSAT. Almost a step-by-step guide on how to get into medicine if you are a mature individual looking for a career change or you are a high school grad wondering what the pathway would look like if you didn’t get in via undergrad pathway.
- Overview on how to maximise your GPA for undergrad
- Understanding the GAMSAT, a brief breakdown and the importance of how to tackle this from the outset.
- Application Strategy, my personal thoughts on how to go about picking and applying for post graduate medical courses. Things like volunteer work, interview and extracurricular activities.
Flashcard App Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net/
GAMSAT Tutor/Content: https://www.youtube.com/@jesseosbourne
Show website: https://theivleague.online/