• Culturally Focused Care and Why I Went Back to Doula School [Episode 27]

    In this episode, I will be sharing about about the importance of culturally focused care, and training within a cultural context. Sometimes people don't understand why we, as Indigenous people, ask for spaces, training and care that are specific to our cultural practices and traditions. They misunderstand this request as something that would be 'nice to have', when in reality it is absolutely essential. We also discuss some exciting new developments for the podcast!

    TRIGGER WARNING: We do touch on pregnancy loss and abortion very briefly in this episode.

    In This Episode:

    [00:02:02] Revisiting Why I Created Two Eyed Seeing

    [00:03:48] Returning to Doula School or Full Spectrum Doula Training

    [00:13:55] Pregnancy is not an automatic medical emergency

    [00:17:29] The difference between being in the culture and non-Indigenous approaches

    [00:21:31] Why the issues are still an important factor today

    [00:23:08] Why Culturally Focused Care Is Not a ”Nice to Have”, but Essential

    [00:29:20] The Impacts of Trauma on Birth

    [00:30:00] Speaking to Pregnancy Loss and Termination of Pregnancy

    [00:33:41] Benefits of Indigenous Doula and Midwifery care

    [00:38:51] Understanding the Impact of Culturally Appropriate Care and Training

    [00:50:11] Where the Podcast is Going Next!

    Further Information:

    SOAHAC: https://www.soahac.on.ca/locations/waterloo-wellington

    Aunties on the Road: https://auntiesontheroad.ca/

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

    IG: @drsarah1connorsnd

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    57 分
  • Grandmothers, Elders, and All Our Relations with Dr. Kathy Absolon [Episode 26]
    In this episode, I will be talking with Dr. Kathy Absolon about the role of Grandmothers, relating to your Elders, and rediscovering healthy family relationships in our current times. Dr. Kathy Absolon is a grandmother, mother, sister, daughter and Associate Professor in the Indigenous Field of Study in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfred Laurier University and Founding Director of the Centre for Indigegogy. TRIGGER WARNING: We do touch on some challenging topics, in relation to MMIWG2S, residential schools and impacts of colonization. About Dr. Kathy Absolon: Dr. Kathy Absolon is Anishinaabekwe from Flying Post First Nation. Her academic journey has been a pathway of unlearning, healing, re-learning and finding who she is as an Indigenous woman & what her place is in the academy. Her Anishinaabe name is Minogiizhigo kwe which translates to mean Shining Day Woman, the one who brings goodness & beauty to the day. In 2008, She received her PhD from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. "Kaandossiwn, this is how we come to know: Indigenous research methodologies in the academy" was her dissertation title with a focus on Indigenous research. She received her Masters in Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1991. Her Masters research was titled: “Healing the Fallen Eagle" with a focus on Indigenous knowledge in social work. The Centre for Indigegogy: Indigenous Centred Wholistic Development She is the Founding Director of the newly formed Centre for Indigegogy. Indigenous centred wholistic development. They are engaging in an Indigenous Educators' Certificate in Indigegogy commencing August 2017 and a Decolonizing Certificate for educators beginning in September 2017. What's unique about the Centre is that it offers experiences for learning steeped in ceremony, circle work and in the presence of medicines. Their approach is wholistic and transformative. Watch for the Centres' updates for emerging opportunities in Indigenous wholistic approaches. You can go to: https://www.wlu.ca/academics/faculties/faculty-of-social-work/centre-for-indigegogy/index.html to learn more about the Centre. IN THIS EPISODE: [1:17] Introduction to the episode and smudge/ceremony in a good way [2:21] Dr. Kathy Absolon introduces herself and the land she is from, and the land we are on while recording this episode [5:35] Finding our way to talking about grandmothers and the role of our elders [7:50] Kathy introduces a story she wrote about her community and her family and talking about being a Nookomis (grandmother) [10:47] Kathy shares the story she wrote about her community and her family along the shore of the land [15:30] Trigger Warning - Kathy speaks to some of the impacts of colonization and residential school on her family [21:30] Kathy talks about finding her way/discovering her identity and purpose in this life [22:30] Trigger Warning: impacts of residential school, touching on inter-generational trauma [24:20] Talking about what life was like for her grandparents [25:15] What does it mean to be a grandmother? How different Kathy's experience was visiting her grandparents, compared to being a grandmother to her grandchildren [29:00] Kathy talks about her experience as a grandmother, and how she tries to be a present grandmother for her grandchildren [34:10] I ask Kathy about what we have lost, and how we find our way forward in connecting with our Ancestors and Elders [35:20] Kathy shares her perspective on our past, and finding a wholistic way forward [37:20] Kathy talks about her connection to the land, and what that connection means to her [38:17] Trigger warning - Kathy talks about how her family trauma was impacted by colonization/ 'western sterotypes of Indigenous people' [39:40] Kathy shares about her first experience of the full moon ceremony and her connection to the Moon (Nookomis) [42:50] Kathy talks about her Spirit/Spirit name and how she relates to herself and her gifts [43:40] How we can relate to other women, other people in our lives in a good way [44:50] "Canada is like a crime scene"; Trigger warning for talking about unmarked graves/residential schools/MMIWG2S [46:30] "We All Belong", how we related by our roles in our communities and learning lessons from nature [48:35] Kathy talks about our Creation Story, and how nature existed, and how we as humans have a place within it [50:10] Kathy talks about watching creation and learning from creation that we all have a place and there is enough for all [51:50] Protecting the land, protecting our Ancestors and what we stand for today [53:10] Talking about protecting the place for future generations [53:45] How we approach grandmothers/Elders and understanding the importance of Respect and Relationship [55:05] How we can learn our teachings in a good way [58:15] Kathy encourages parents to teach their children to be helpers to their grandparents and Elders [59:30] Kathy shares her ...
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    1 時間 26 分
  • Egg to Baby: Giving Your Little Their Best Start and New Moon to Mama Moon [Episode 25]

    In this episode, I will be talking about some of the foundational pieces to consider when preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy journey. I recently did a webinar covering some of these key areas to prepare your body, and by extension your baby, for a healthy pregnancy, birth and postpartum. The recording of that webinar is in this episode you are about to listen to, as well as an introduction to my new program, New Moon to Mama Moon! So stay tuned!


    [1:15] Brief intro to the rest of the episode

    [3:20] Beginning of the webinar recording, brief introduction for those who do not know me

    [4:50] Beginning to speak about MMIWG2S

    [6:10] The history and recognition of MMIWG2S as an issue in Canada

    [9:05] Why being proactive about your health is so important for your soon to be born child(ren)

    [11:40] What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    [14:35] The reality of conventional healthcare at this time

    [21:10] Should you be on a prenatal ahead of time?

    [25:45] Impact of heavy metals on your growing baby

    [28:05] Taking a look at your cosmetic and personal care routine

    [30:40] Clean 15 and Dirty 12 list and eating organic

    [32:50] Talking about healthy weight and the possible implications for weight in pregnancy and birth

    [38:40] The impact of stress on conception and overall health for you and your baby

    [47: 20] The importance of a healthy gut and the influence of a good quality probiotic

    [53:25] Looking at supplements overall for your health and preparing your body for pregnancy and birth

    [1:01:30] Touching on the basics of a healthy diet

    [1:06:20] Are you generally healthy most of the time?

    [1:07:50] Discussing exercise, aka moving your body

    [1:09:40] How much water should we be drinking?

    [1:12:05] Introducing New Moon to Mama Moon

    [1:25:25] Final comments for the episode

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    1 時間 27 分
  • Understanding the Issue of MMIWG2S: Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit [Episode 24]

    In this episode, I will be talking about some of the historical and current context surrounding MMIWG2S (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit People), including recent events that are related to this issue as well as gender/LGBTQ2SIA+.

    [TRIGGER WARNING]: MMIWG2S and related topics are discussed in this episode.


    [1:15] Brief update about the podcast

    [2:45] Speaking about the history of recognizing Indigenous History Month and Pride Month in June

    [4:50] Beginning to speak about MMIWG2S

    [6:10] The history and recognition of MMIWG2S as an issue in Canada

    [8:50] Statistics relevant to what is happening in regards to MMIWG2S

    [11:25] Final Report on MMIWG2S

    [14:35] Recent events at the University of Waterloo in relation to the attack of the professor and students in a gender studies class

    [16:55] Searching the landfill in Manitoba to find some of our missing women's bodies

    [20:30] How some of our communities have responded to the protesting happening at the Manitoba landfill site

    [21:30] What can we do about this issue and/or situation

    [22:45] What if you were in this situation?

    [24:00] Reflecting on the issues around MMIWG2S and what we can do to understand the issues better

    [25:10] The meaning of the Red Dress in relation to MMIWG2S

    [26:30] Final thoughts for the episode

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    28 分
  • Happy New Year: Resolutions vs. Goals [Episode 23]
    Hello and welcome back to Two-Eyed seeing, we're going to be talking about what it intentions and goals versus resolutions. So, stay tuned. "IN ORDER TO REACH OUR WELL- BEING OUR GOALS, WE HAVE TO PUT OUR MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SUB-CONCIOUS MIND, IDENTITY, HABITS, PHYSICAL & NUTRITIONAL PIECES, TOGETHER." In this episode we are chatting about new year's resolutions. If you feel like you are already losing momentum with your resolutions for this year, you'll want to tune into this one! I'm chatting about. IN THIS EPISODE:

    [3:20]My opinion on new year new me

    [5:25]Intentions + goals vs resolutions

    [9:33]Focusing on small goals and habits

    [15:51]What motivated me to create Seratauga Weight Solution

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    23 分
  • What Is Your Understanding of Truth and Reconciliation? [Episode 22]

    In this episode I will be talking about Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada, the complicated legacy of Queen Elizabeth II, and thinking about what it means to be a true ally to Indigenous communities.

    WARNING: Residential Schools and other difficult topics are discussed in this episode.

    [1:25] What is the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

    [1:45] The importance of language

    [3:00] What makes this day different?

    [4:13] Talking about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and her legacy

    [8:22] Discussing Residential Schools

    [10:22] Reflecting on What Truth and Reconciliation means and what true allyship may look like

    [12:40] How are we using the concept of Two Eyed Seeing?

    [13:50] Not all Indigenous people are the same

    [14:49] Are you choosing to be an ally?

    [17:07] Speaking about MMIW (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women) and children

    [18:30] We are not talking about ancient history

    [19:10] We can do better!

    Understanding the Impact of Residential Schools [Episode 3]

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    23 分
  • Body Bliss The Journey to Body Acceptance [Episode 21]

    In this episode, I am talking about all things to do with body image and body acceptance. This includes talking about the co-author project I've been involved with over the past year and is now officially published.

    [1:00] Talking about body acceptance and Body Bliss

    [3:59] Who is affected by Body Image Issues and Why It's Important

    [6:58] Body Image issues within the LGBTQ2SIA+ community

    [9:31] The Dove Campaign for Body Positivity

    [11:55] Fat Shaming and the Ideal of Beauty

    [13:32] What the research has to say about weight and health

    [16:42] Impact of being underweight on your health

    [17:54] The Body Bliss Book Project

    [19:20] The BIC or Bikini Industrial Complex from Burnout

    [27:58] My Body Bliss Chapter: This Is Not Your Armor

    [32:48] Celebrating who we are and thinking of things differently

    The History of the Body Mass Index Test (BMI) [TES Episode 6]

    Connect with Me:

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    38 分
  • Moonlodge Interview with Grandmother Renee [Episode 20]

    In this episode, I am having a conversation with Grandmother Renee about her perspective on women's health, moon time, and pre/ post natal care.

    [1:00] Introduction to Grandmother Renee

    [3:45] Grandmother Renee

    [6:25] The gift of moon time

    [9:10] What would happen during your moon time when Grandmother Renee was younger & how self care was prioritized

    [21:05] A different perspective on birthing & Grandmother Renee's experience

    [26:15] Grandmother Renee speaks to the importance of nutrition and movement during pregnancy and postpartum

    Connect with Me :

    WEBSITE: http://www.sarahconnorsnd.com/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sarahconnorsnd.doula/

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    38 分