
  • Episode 9: Power of Mentoring with Lt. Mark Mobley

    In this episode of Unbranded Leadership Podcast we discuss the power of mentoring with Lt. Mark Mobley of the Marion County Fire Rescue Department. Lt. Mobley talks about not only the act of mentoring but more importantly how mentoring has impacted his career and desire to develop others.

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    43 分
  • Episode 8: Positive Mindset a Review of the Data

    Host Michael DeStefano discusses the research about positive mindsets and how it impacts learning and recollection of information based on mood and behavior. Additionally, the research conducted through his doctoral research study reveals the notion of macro and micro culture and why frequent and focused collisions are essential to spreading positivity through the application of contagion theory.

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    35 分
  • Episode 7: Leading Through Politics w/ Dr. Stephen Fernez

    Dr. Fernez discusses his humble beginnings as punk rocker and how that led to his career in law enforcement and higher education. The discussion walks through the impacts and challenges that occur leading a law enforcement organization in a political climate as well as the need to mentor the future members.

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    54 分
  • Episode 6: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Applied to Firefighters

    In this episode host Michael DeStefano discusses applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory to the recruitment and retention of firefighters. Michael used Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs as the primary theory for his dissertation and reveals some of the findings discovered from the research.

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    35 分
  • Episode 5: Dr. Nikki Kelly- Acupuncture, Peer Support, and Mental Health

    In this episode Dr. Nikki Kelly and Michael Destefano discuss the importance of mental health and peer support on the survival of our firefighters and how leadership can implement these systems. Additionally, we discuss benefits of acupuncture and yoga to fight PTSD and reduce anxiety in the public safety professionals.

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    46 分
  • Episode 4: Personal Strategic Planning

    Are you making goals for yourself but not creating a plan to execute? In this episode we discuss how to use the M-GOT method of strategic planning for your personal life. Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Tasks. Create a plan, execute, and celebrate the win!

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    31 分
  • Episode 3: Captain Jared Vermeulen

    Guest Jared Vermeleun discusses the importance of humiity in leadership and how to gain buy in trhough empowerment. Captain Vermeulen also talks about what inspired his book, "Modern Fire Officer".

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    39 分
  • Episode 2: Organizational Citizenship Behavior

    In this episode we discuss what organizational citizenship behavior is and how it can be used as an objective metric for measuring morale in an organization. We then dig into the impacts of organzational citizenship behavior and how to increase the behavior in our organizations.

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    44 分