
  • You Are Like A Bamboo Seed...

    Do you ever feel like, no matter how hard you try, you never get ahead? 

    No matter how much you learn, your business never grows. 

    Maybe it's because you're like a bamboo seed. Let me explain.

    Planting a bamboo seed can be a real test of patience. 

    You water and care for it, day in and day out, and yet, nothing seems to happen. 

    Year after year, no growth, no leaves, no progress. Frustration mounts, but you persist. 

    And suddenly, after five long years, a small shoot appears, and in just six weeks, it grows over 90 feet! 

    This growth didn't just happen overnight; the seed was building deep, strong roots. 

    It was preparing for the moment when it would shoot to the sky. And guess what? 

    Your journey as a firearms instructor is exactly like this bamboo seed. 

    Here are the 3 secrets to explosive growth… 

    Secret #1 Building Strong Foundations

    Focus on core values, continuous learning, and student relationships 

    Secret #2 The Power of Persistence

    Keep pushing, keep innovating, and never give up. Progress may seem slow, but something incredible is happening beneath the surface.

    Secret #3 Explosive Growth Awaits 

    With the right foundation and persistent effort, you'll reach a tipping point, and success will come fast and strong."

    Call to Action Visit WarriorCloud.com to get your blueprint for success

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  • 257,492 views in less than 48 hours

    This is the script for a video I recently posted that got 257,493 views in less than 48 hours 

    Do you know the five things that have to happen before you can legally use a firearm in self defense? 

    The truth is 99% of gun owners don’t know… 

    One tiny mistake could cost you your life or your freedom… 

    # 1 - Reasonable Belief 

    # 2 - Imminent death, great bodily harm or the imminent commission of a forcible felony

    # 3 - The Use Of Deadly Force Must be immediately necessary 

    # 4 - You must be in a place you have a legal right to be

    # 5 - You cannot be committing a crime

    So if you are a Florida gun owner and you want to learn how to avoid going to prison follow for more… “ 

    It's incredible to believe I was able to get over 250,000 views when just a few years ago I was a bumbling mess in front of the camera. 

    Picture me, standing in front of the camera, feeling like a fish out of water. My hands were shaky, my voice even shakier. I knew I had a message to share, but every time that red recording light blinked, I felt like a stranger in my own skin.

    I knew that creating video content was important but I never knew what to talk about.

    Every morning I would wake up with a pit in my stomach knowing I needed to create a video that day. I would spend hours reading the paper and scrolling social media in a desperate attempt for inspiration. 

    But one day everything changed when I discovered a strategy from Rachael Peterson 

    It's called ‘12-Months Of Content In 1 Day’ 

    It was like the lights turned on in a dark room. Suddenly, I knew exactly what to create. 

    I knew precisely what would resonate with my perfect student. It wasn't just about throwing content against the wall and seeing what would stick; it was about crafting messages with purpose, intent, and laser-like focus on what mattered.

    The fear, the awkwardness, the confusion? They melted away. 

    My voice became strong, my content meaningful, and my connection with my audience genuine.

    Here's how you create a year's worth of content ideas in one day.

    Step 1 - Identify Your Core Topic

    What is the core topic of your firearm training business? It could be concealed carry, pistol shooting, defensive shooting and the list goes on. 

    Step 2 - Subtopics 

    Create a list of twelve subtopics that are related to your core topic. For example if your core topic is concealed carry subtopics would include.

    • How To Get A Permit 

    • When To Use A Firearm In Self Defense 

    • Gun Law 

    • Home Defense 

    • Firearm Safety 

    • Shooting Fundamentals 

    • Gun Range Etiquette 

    • And More… 

    Step 3 - Research 

    Enter one of the subtopics into Google search and then scroll down to the ‘People Also Ask’ section. These are the questions your perfect student is asking about this topic. 

    Step 4 - Get 30 Questions 

    Find 30 questions that people are asking about your subtopic and paste them on a spreadsheet. 

    Step 5 - Repeat This Process

    The final step is to repeat this process for each of the twelve subtopics on your list. 

    And just like that you have enough content ideas for the next twelve months. 

    That’s All I Have For Today So Until Next Time - KEEP MOVING FORWARD 

    Ryan G. Thomas

    P.S. If you are a firearm instructor and you're struggling to attract students and make money…

    I want to invite you to join the Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass. During this FREE training I’m going to show you how to turbocharge your income with a secret strategy only a few people know about…

    Do Not Miss this FREE training… It’s going to change your life

    Click Here To Register For The Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass - Before It's Too Late >>>

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  • this will destroy your business…

    Have you ever heard the phrase, the customer is always right? 

    If you've been in business for more than a few minutes, you know this couldn't be further from the truth. 

    The customer is not always right. 

    Sometimes they are lying, cheating, manipulative. 


    It Doesn't Matter 

    When I owned the gun store, a young man named Cody walked in who wanted to purchase two handguns. 

    I helped him choose the two pistols, completed the paperwork, and swiped his credit card for $1,295

    A few weeks later, I received a letter stating this transaction was fraudulent. 

    I remember thinking, "This guy really sucks at being a criminal. 

    I have a photocopy of his driver's license, concealed weapons permit, and Social Security number."

    I know where he lives, and I have evidence that he used a stolen credit to purchase two firearms… 

    I decided to give Cody a call and allow him to pay for the firearms before I called the police.

    Cody was apologetic and said he would come in the next day with cash to pay for the guns. 

    The problem is that he never showed up. 

    Day after day, I called, left voicemails, and sent text messages…. 

    …threatening that if he did not bring me the cash, I would call the police and press charges.

    After a week and a half, I decided to report the firearms stolen to Tampa Police. 

    But before I took such extreme measures, I decided to send one more text to Cody.

    "Please don't call the cops… I'll be there in 10 minutes with the money," Cody responded. 

    When he arrived, he had an intimidated look on his face and said

    "If I give you this money, do you promise not to call the police?" 

    I gave him my word and took the money. 

    A few hours later, I received a notification from Yelp that we received a new review. 

    Cody left a 1-star review. 

    "The owner is rude to his customers…"

    He conveniently left out that he used a stolen credit card to purchase two firearms and then refused to pay me when I asked nicely. 

    This negative review haunted me for years. No matter how hard I tried to explain what happened, potential customers only saw the one-star review and stayed away. 

    This was when I discovered the POWER of a negative review, and I set out to never let it happen again. 

    When we started Tampa Carry, our primary goal was to serve each student at the highest level, so they felt obligated to leave a 5-star review. 

    Tune In To Hear The Five Reasons 5 Star Reviews Are Critical For Your Business 

    In Fact, 

    I will be holding a FREE training soon to teach you how to use social proof to turbocharge your income and rapidly grow your firearm training business… 

    Are you ready to take your firearm training business to the next level? 

    Yes! I Want To Learn How To Attract More Students And Grow My Business… 

    That’s All I Have For Today So Until Next Time - KEEP MOVING FORWARD 

    Ryan G. Thomas 

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  • ❌ DO NOT make this MISTAKE

    In the biting chill of January, rain slapping against my skin, I found myself in the thick of an advanced pistol and carbine course led by the legendary Larry Vickers. 

    With every pull of the trigger, a surge of adrenaline fueled my excitement, making me part of a unique experience that felt more like an adventure than a shooting lesson. 

    By the time the second day rolled around, I was ready to purchase another training from Larry. 

    As the roar of gunfire quieted, replaced by the hushed whispers of the group, the anticipation hung thick in the air. 

    I eagerly awaited Larry's pitch, ready and willing to dive further into the world he so skillfully introduced us to. 

    The opportunity to enhance my skills under his guidance felt like a rare privilege, and I was more than prepared to invest in it.

    The day wound down, our weapons now silent and safe, and Larry called us into a circle. 

    His voice, heavy with the weight of imparting final thoughts, echoed through the range, casting an indelible impression on all of us. 

    As I looked around the circle, at the 25 men and women I was sure 20% to 30% of them were going to purchase the upsell Larry made. 

    But it never came.

    Larry, it seemed, had no course to pitch, no upsell to offer. 

    We were left only with our thirst for more, unquenched. It felt as though a golden chance had slipped through his fingers. 

    Larry's reluctance to capitalize on this captive audience was, without a doubt, a massive missed opportunity.

    As I walked away from that day, I couldn't help but imagine the untapped potential a one-time offer holds. 

    For in that instant, a single pitch could have become extremely profitable to Larry.  

    The strategy of a one time only offer is to make an offer that is so good your perfect student would feel stupid for saying no. 

    A one time only offer is made up of 4 components. 

    First you must be offering the next logical step in the process. 

    If a student attended a first time shooting class, it wouldn’t make sense for the one time offer to be a close quarters combat course because that is not the next logical step in the process.

    Second, a one time offer must have scarcity, which is the process of creating the fear of missing out. 

    Third, your one time offer must have a deadline. Without it there's no reason to make a decision today. 

    And finally it must be irresistible. Which means that it is such a good deal you would feel stupid for saying no. 

    By The Way, 

    I will be teaching you how to implement this strategy into your firearm training business soon during the Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass.

    Click Here To Get FREE Access To The Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass Now >>> 

    That’s All I Have For Today So Until Next Time - KEEP MOVING FORWARD 

    Ryan G. Thomas

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  • Do You SUCK At Sales?

    Are You Struggling with Sales? 

    I've got to be blunt with you; over the years, I've seen WAY too many firearm instructors just plain SUCK at sales. 

    But you know what? It doesn't have to be this way.

    Today I thought I would pull back the curtain and share one of my secrets to success.

    It’s called the 7 FIGURE SALES SYSTEM 

    You see most firearm instructors attempt to sell their courses with a page that looks like this. 

    This page is cold, lifeless, void of emotion and very confusing. 

    And this is why mostly firearm instructors struggle. 

    Instead you need a 7 Figure Sales System which is kinda like having the best sales person in the world working for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 

    The purpose of the 7 Figure Sales System is to grab your perfect students' attention, and let them know that they are in the right place. 

    The best way to do this is with a powerful hook that speaks to the biggest problem your perfect student has. 

    This is called a headline package. 

    The headline package is made up of three parts. 

    1. Preheadline  

    2. Headline 

    3. Subheadline 

    The pre-headline calls out your perfect student so they know they are in the right place. 

    The headline should grab the reader's attention with a shocking, controversial or interesting question. 

    The goal of this headline is to speak to the biggest problem that your perfect student is currently facing, and then introduce a solution. 

    The sub headline is used to eliminate the thing that your perfect student fears the most. 

    Call To Action 

    A call to action is a simple statement that motivates a prospect to take immediate action. The call to action should eliminate the biggest problem that your perfect student is currently facing. 

    Now that you’ve seen behind the scenes of the 7 Figure Sales System I want to ask you a question… 

    Which one would you choose? 

    Would you choose the Warrior Cloud which clearly speaks to the biggest problem you are facing, creates desire and makes it easy to say yes 


    Would you choose ‘The Other Guys’ which is cold, emotionless and confusing? 

    If your answer is Warrior Cloud then I want to invite you to join me for a FREE training where I'm going to show you the playbook I used to rapidly grow my firearm training business. 

    Click Here To Learn More About The Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass Now >>> 

    Until Next Time - KEEP MOVING FORWARD 

    Ryan G. Thomas

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  • Are You Pissing In The Wind?

    In this episode of the 2A Warrior Podcast, I dug deep into the common mistakes that firearms instructors make when trying to attract students and grow their businesses. I began by sharing the story of Kevin, a retired law enforcement officer, and Warrior Cloud member, who struggled to get students through his website.

    I then broke down Kevin's old website for Time Now Firearms Training, highlighting the core issues that made it ineffective. While appealing to some, it didn't communicate the site's aesthetics and purpose effectively. A confusing business name, lack of a clear target audience, and irrelevant details like the LLC suffix led to a poor conversion strategy. I stressed that the only person who cares about the business name is the business owner, not the potential students.

    To further illustrate these mistakes, I brought up some key marketing principles, like entering the conversation that's already inside the customer's head and how the human brain seeks shortcuts to understanding. Kevin's site failed to answer every customer's fundamental question: "Can you solve my problem?"

    I compared the traditional website approach with our proven method, the "student generation machine," showcasing how it focuses on the students' needs and fears. This strategy uses clear language and friendly images and connects directly with the potential student's journey rather than showcasing instructor credentials or irrelevant information.

    If you are a firearm instructor struggling to attract students and make money…

    I want to invite you to join the Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass. During this FREE training, I will show you how to turbocharge your income with a secret strategy only a few people know about…

    Do Not Miss this FREE training… It's going to change your life.

    Click The Link Now https://warriorcloud.io/access

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    11 分
  • Unlock Free Advertising For Your Business.

    Many firearms instructors fear media interviews, afraid of manipulation or misrepresentation. I used to feel the same until a recent interview with ABC News changed everything. It's more than just free marketing; it's about taking control of the narrative. Discover how this interview transformed my perspective and can change yours too.

    Here Are The 3 Secrets To Unlocking Free Advertising for Your Business

    Secret #1 - Turn Fear into Fuel

    Instead of avoiding media interviews, transform that fear into a drive to promote your business. By facing the media with confidence, you open doors to free advertising and reach a wider audience.

    Secret #2 - Master the Interview

    Understand that you're in control. Master the art of conversation with the media, lead with your message, and present yourself in the best light. Learn to see interviews as collaborative opportunities rather than combative situations.

    Secret #3 - Leverage, Don't Leave

    A media interview isn't a one-and-done deal. Leverage that content across your platforms, get it in front of your community, and let it work for you long after the cameras stop rolling. Use interviews as lasting marketing tools, not fleeting moments.

    If you are a firearm instructor struggling to attract students and make money…

    I want to invite you to join the Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass. During this FREE training, I will show you how to turbocharge your income with a secret strategy only a few people know about…

    Do Not Miss this FREE training… It's going to change your life.

    Click The Link Now https://warriorcloud.io/access

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    12 分
  • This is SOOOOOO cool.

    🔥🎙️ What's Up, Guys? Ryan G here with WarriorCloud.io! 🔥🎙️

    Hold onto your hats, folks, because what I'm about to reveal is cooler than an ice-cold drink on a scorching summer day!

    Imagine unwrapping a package that's not just a training course but a gateway to a new level of expertise. Picture this – it's like Christmas morning every day, and instead of toys, we're unboxing the brand-new 30 Day Dry Fire kickstart! 🎄🎁🔫 This isn't just any ordinary training – it's a game-changer, and I'm about to give you an exclusive sneak peek.

    Okay, folks, let's talk about the workbook. This thing is so flipping cool you won't believe your eyes. From the cover that screams "Get ready to level up" to the carefully crafted directions that guide you through the training, this workbook is like having a firearms expert in your pocket. And guess what? You'll find a familiar face there – that's right, it's me! 😎

    But wait, there's more – this is where it gets interesting. I'm talking about some seriously rad directions and illustrations that'll have you laughing, learning, and maybe even doing a double-take. Remember that time we owned a gun store? Well, there's a snapshot of that era in there, complete with yours truly in action. 😅 And hey, I'll admit it – some of those poses might not have been my best idea!

    Now, brace yourselves for a jaw-dropping twist – we've got stuff for the kiddos! But hey, let's say there was a slight mix-up in the image selection. Who would've thought that someone might mistake responsible firearm training for something else entirely? 🙈 Trust me, that was not me, folks!

    But enough about the visuals – let's dive into the heart of this epic training. Imagine a scenario where you're arming your students daily with video training sessions that align perfectly with their mission in the workbook. It's like a match made in firearms heaven – they learn, practice, and develop foundational shooting skills that are second to none.

    And here's the real kicker – we're discussing dry fire practice. Yes, you heard me right. It's the ultimate crawl-walk-run scenario that'll have your students handling firearms like seasoned pros, all without the risk of live ammunition. This is the power of 'This is SOOOO Cool' – it's the gateway to safer, smarter, and more effective training that lays the foundation for greatness.

    Here's the deal: As a Warrior Cloud member you have the ability to sell the 30-Day Dry Fire Kick start to your students and keep 100% of the money... How cool is that?

    I want to invite you to join the Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass. During this FREE training, I will show you how I made over $3,000 in the last 2 days even after permitless carry has gone into effect…

    Click Here To Register For The Unstoppable Instructor Masterclass - NOW

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