
  • The Recovering People Pleaser

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • The predominance of people pleasing

    • Burnout and resentment from people pleasing

    • Saying "yes" becoming your identity

    Key takeaways:

    • What part of you is people pleasing benefiting?

    • Losing a part of you is a risk of people pleasing

    • 4 step process to assess people pleasing

      • Pause…

      • Say “no” as the first response (practice not apologizing).

      • Feel the discomfort that saying “no” makes you feel.

      • Allow it to be there; don’t resist it, change it, or deny it. 


    “People pleasers are wonderful human beings who have the quality of empathy and compassion. But they take that past the point, to the detriment of themselves and really losing their own authentic selves; because they are constantly deferring to other people.” -Michelle Wickman

    Contact Us:

    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g 


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    29 分
  • The #1 Skill to Thrive in Life

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • Michelle Wickman’s four components of self-leadership.

    • Hard skills vs Soft Skills in your career and life. 

    Key takeaways:

    • The four components of self-leadership are:

      • Self-Awareness

      • Self-Discipline

      • Emotional Intelligence

      • Personal Agency

    • We must invest the time to develop these soft skills.

    • If we are leaders, we must lead ourselves first!


    “I think machines are easy. You learn a system, learn a process, and you make it go. But humans, we live in the grey area -we’re grey. And in that gray space, that’s where you need the soft skills.” -Cheddy Matthews


    Contact Us:

    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g 


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    35 分
  • Procrastination On Ice!

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • A coach sees their client’s behaviour from the sideline; they can see the big picture from what the client is describing. 

    • Plan for “what ifs” while you’re taking the steps towards your goals. 

    • Choosing action over procrastination.

    Key takeaways:

    • Procrastination is a nice way of self-sabotage. 

    • Procrastination is based in fear and avoidance of a potential negative emotion. 

    • 3 ways to deal with procrastination in the moment. 

      • Take small steps towards another goal.

      • Recognize the emotion, focus and process it.

      • Ask the question, “is that true?” Then take action!

    “When you are taking those scary steps, when you are taking those scary actions towards goals, towards things that you love, that you desire in your life. It is that exhilarating and scary feeling all in one package. And then you get to assess ‘do I want to do that again?” And that's how you prepare yourself for the next obstacle, for the next step.” -Michelle Wickman


    Contact Us:

    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g

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    25 分
  • Do It Anyway

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • Finding a way to accomplish your goal.

    • Eliminating the option of changing course.

    • Understanding what serves your goal.

    Key takeaways:

    • Deciding to be “all in” will cause current discomfort, but it will yield future results.

    • Look for the shift to happen when you have no other options but to succeed.

    • Learning to say no to things that do not serve your greater purpose.


    “All of your focus is on this one goal right, and so if your vision is consistently on that and you wake up with that vision in your mind, and you go to bed with that vision in your mind, and you walk around all day with that vision in your mind. When opportunities present themselves, you will notice them.” -Michelle Wickman


    Contact Us:

    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g

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    16 分
  • Small Wins

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • Small wins as steps to greater goals
    • Visualizing yourself winning like an athlete.
    • What is a small win?
    •   Recognizing other people’s wins


    Key takeaways:

    • Schedule time to celebrate one small win per day.
    • The more you take time to celebrate small wins, the more you’ll recognize the opportunities to win.
    • Celebrating other people’s small wins is infectious
    • A small win today can be totally different than a small win tomorrow.
    • Don’t compare your win to other’s wins and don’t compare your own current win to your past wins.


    “Consider the things in your life that you may think are mundane and routine -but those are actually wins. Whan you accomplish something that you set out to do, that's a win! when you do something that's hard and you complete it, that's a win!” -Cheddy Matthews


    Website: www.WinningInside.io

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com          

    Twitter: @winning_inside

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g

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    21 分
  • What Gets You Out of Bed?

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:


    • Behavioral Activation - take the action and let your brain get on board. 

    • WHAT gets you out of bed vs HOW you get out of bed. 

    • Selecting a thought or an action that gets you out of bed. 


    Key takeaways:

    • Be Intentional when getting out of bed.

    • Celebrating waking up to another day; embodying gratitude. 

    • Be aware how your wake up routine can affect your mood.

    “Anything we offer is a suggestion, but everybody has their own unique approaches to it as well. So Cheddy had to find the thought that would motivate him into action. I just took the very tiniest, smallest action: ‘get out of bed and put on your shoes…!’ Do the action and the brain will catch up” -Michelle Wickman

    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g

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    21 分
  • Work, Play, and Rest Hard

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:


    • Working, Playing, and Resting Hard. 

    • The best  time to make decisions and take action. 

    • Life is in the middle and living a full life is experiencing all of it. 

    • Using tools (like a pomodoro clock) to increase work efficiency. 

    Key takeaways:

    • You will take the amount of time to allot for a task. 

    • Resting hard allows you to be fully present in life 

    • Take time once a quarter to evaluate how invested you are in work, play, and rest.

    • Playing hard may drain some people while it may rejuvenate others, know which one you are. 

    “If you give yourself two years to accomplish that goal, 99% of the time, if not more, you will take the full two years. If you give yourself an hour to write one email, you’re gonna take that full hour. Even if you are doing the thing, you’re not necessarily maximizing your efficiency and your work...” -Michelle Wickman


    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g 


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    32 分
  • Sticktoitiveness

    In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

    • The noun “sticktoitiveness”

    • Celebrating one year of the Winning Inside Podcast

    • The choice of not quitting

    Key takeaways:

    • Know the difference between quitting and pausing deciding to reflect, reassess, and re-engage.

    • Your current situation could be equipping you for the next phase of your journey.

    • Knowing your purpose and expressing gratitude will increase sticktoitiveness.

    “What keeps you going? You’ve gotta focus on the things and the reasons why you started in the first place. You’ve gotta focus on those; because sometimes, thinking of your why, the purpose, the genesis of the reason why you’re doing the thing, or the end-state, the goal that you want at the end, has to be in the forefront of your mind to keep going. And then you can start to ignore the pain...” -Cheddy Matthews


    Website: www.WinningInside.io 

    Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com 

    Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com 

    Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

    Twitter: @winning_inside 

    Facebook: @WinningInside

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g

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    20 分