🍿 This Week’s Snack:
Kolsvart Candy Fish: https://www.kolsvart.com
- Sour Blueberry
- Elderflower
- Black Currant + Raspberry
- Sour Raspberry (tasted like Luden’s: https://www.ludens.com/sore-throat-remedies/wild-cherry)
📝 Things Mentioned:
- Chef’s Knife Speed Review: https://youtu.be/C8ms3VOZyhg?si=LmX93y76FMm07N67
- CPM MagnaCut Steel: https://knifesteelnerds.com/2021/03/25/cpm-magnacut/
- Cult Flav Site Update: https://cultflav.com
- Epicurean Edge: https://www.epicedge.com
- Steelport 8” Chef’s Knife: https://www.steelportknife.com/product/8-carbon-steel-chef-knife/
MagnaCut Knives Tested
- Doberman Forge Chef’s Knife: https://dobermanforge.com/products/8-magnacut-gyuto-chef-knife-1
- Aura Calafia Chef’s Knife: https://www.auracalifornia.com/collections/calafia-chef-knives
AEB-L Knives Tested
- Bradford: https://bradfordknives.com/culinary/499-10568-chef-knife-AEB-L-Steel.html
- Goettig Nakiri: https://www.epicedge.com/shopexd.asp?id=109099
Damasteel RWL34
- Acre Forge Macrum: https://acreforge.co/collections/macrum
Our Recommendations For Most Home Cooks
- Hedley & Bennet Chef’s Knife: https://cultflav.com/products/hedley-bennett-chefs-knife
- Acre Forge Macrum: https://acreforge.co/collections/macrum
If you could commission a custom knife for yourselves, what would it be like? - Grant
- GoldVein by Kamon GV No.2 for $54,650: https://eatingtools.com/products/goldvein-by-kamon-gv-no-2
- Sarah’s Mac Che’f series: https://cultflav.com/products/mac-725-chef-series
In the world of small-run or custom knives, do you see a price range where performance, craftsmanship, and cost all align before the benefits start diminishing? - Lim
- Sarah’s Santoku: https://cultflav.com/products/hitohira-180mm-santoku
What are ya’ll’s thoughts on using the “right” knife for the job versus the knife I’m “comfortable” with? - Emily
- Who the hell is Christopher Kimball? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Kimball
🔪Specialty Knives with Eytan Zias
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eytanpdx/?hl=en
- Co-Founder & Bladesmith at Steelport: https://www.steelportknife.com/
- Founder & Sharpener at The KnifeHouse: https://knifehouse.com/
Thanks to Eytan for letting us into Steelport and playing Absolutely Rank! Thanks to Grant, Lim and Emily for asking us questions! Thank you for listening! As always, if you’ve got a question, you can post it in #going-off or call 424-419-3528.
See you next Sunday!