
  • Cruise weeks (and why you need them)

    Do you have a goal that you feel you keep working towards but you're getting nowhere? Maybe you feel like you're having to restart again and again and don't know why you're not seeing any results. Well my friend, you need to be introduced to cruise weeks! If you haven't heard the term before, you're in for a treat! Cruise weeks could be just the thing that get you from working towards your goals to smashing through them!

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    8 分
  • 10 habits that have helped me live my best life

    Do you want to overhaul your physical and mental health but don't know where to start? From someone who has had to put in the work and then some to go from an unhealthy mind and body to mindbody fit, let me share with you the habits that have served and continue to serve me best. From some habits you will expect to ones you won't see coming, this episode is one you don't want to miss if you're looking for a total habit overhaul!

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    17 分
  • How to do the thing you’re scared to do

    Have you or do you have a goal that scares you so much that you are unable to take action on it? Welcome to the club my friend! Unfortunately, fear has stopped so many people from moving forwards towards their biggest wants and needs in life, however, we're not going to let it stop you!

    In today's episode I'm going to share with you the strategy that has helped myself and my clients take our big scary dreams and turn them into exciting new realities!

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    10 分
  • The biggest lesson I've learnt in parenthood

    Whether you have 10 kids or none, the lesson I learnt in parenthood is going to help you feel more fulfilled, more successful and more content with where you're at and where you can go in this life. 

    Sound good? You'll have to tune in to find out more! ;)

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    9 分
  • Breaking habits

    Do you have a habit you just can't seem to break?

    Drinking? Overeating? Smoking? Self sabotage?

    These pesky habits enter our lives so smoothly that before we know it, it can feel like they are a part of who we are as human beings. In this episode I'm going to delve deep into how and why habits are formed and the strategy that's bound to help you finally cut loose from them. 

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    11 分
  • Reigniting self belief

    Self-belief comes in as number 1 for my top ingredient to have in crushing your goals. It is simultaneously the foundation on which you will build your success and the pathway that will guide you to it. It not only gives you the confidence in your ability to set and achieve your goals, it gives you the drive and the motivation along the way.

    But knowing self belief is important and actually having it is two very different things.

    In this episode I'm going to share with you just how you can reignite your self-belief so you can start making your dreams a reality!

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    11 分
  • Exercising for weight loss

    Are you on a weightloss journey but don't know how to best use your time to exercise? Don't stress - I've got you! And it's simpler and easier than you think! ;) Tune in to find out!

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    6 分