
  • We are all in the same boat - Sadhguru (Jagadish Vasudev)

    Sadhguru tells a story about: Is there God or no God?

    In this thought-provoking episode of OMM, we delve deep into the complexities of faith with the renowned spiritual leader Sadhguru.

    Exploring the intricate balance between belief and doubt, Sadhguru sheds light on how these elements can coexist within the journey towards enlightenment. His insights offer a unique perspective on the paradox of faith, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own beliefs and the role of skepticism in personal growth.

    Through a blend of profound wisdom and practical advice, Sadhguru guides us through the nuances of spiritual understanding, making this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their connection to their inner self while navigating the challenges of faith.

    Join us as we uncover the transformative power of embracing both belief and doubt on the path to enlightenment.

    Remember, whether you believe in God or whether you don't believe in God, we are all in the same boat.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • Rewriting your agreement with reality - Wayne Dyer

    What comes out of you when you get squeezed?

    Dive into a transformative episode where Wayne Dyer shares invaluable lessons learned from one of his greatest teachers, Carlos Castaneda. Explore the metaphor of life as a mansion with a thousand rooms, where most of us remain confined to just one room of daily human awareness until death.

    Wayne Dyer discusses Castaneda's teachings on breaking free from these self-imposed limitations to explore the vastness of human potential and consciousness without the need for death as an escape.

    Through Dyer's engaging narrative, learn about rewriting our agreement with reality, the distinction between knowing about divinity and truly knowing it, and the power of thought in shaping our lives and realities. He challenges us to rethink our understanding of our essence, which is not confined to our physical bodies but is an untouchable, invisible force that undergoes constant transformation.

    This episode is not just a philosophical journey but a practical guide to becoming a 'no limit' person. Dyer emphasizes the importance of letting go of hatred, anger, and fear, highlighting that what comes out of us when we're squeezed by life's pressures is a reflection of what we've allowed inside.

    Join us as Wayne Dyer guides us through the principles of living as love, the only true way to respond to the world's pressures, and how to embrace the lessons life teaches us without limits.

    Remember that thinking makes it so.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • Jerusalem's eternal significance - Seth Postell

    In a thought-provoking interview on One for Israel, Seth Postell delves into the common issue of verses being taken out of context by believers, particularly highlighting the importance of understanding Yeshua's (Jesus') references to Jerusalem. By examining the Sermon on the Mount, specifically Matthew 5:33-37, Postell illuminates Yeshua's declaration of Jerusalem as "the city of the great king," challenging the notion that Jerusalem's relevance ended with the resurrection and the birth of the church.

    Seth Postell argues against the dismissal of Jerusalem's significance, drawing parallels to dismissing heaven as God's throne and earth as His footstool, as mentioned in the same verses. He advocates for a consistent interpretation of scripture, emphasizing that if we are to take Yeshua at His word, then Jerusalem remains and will continue to be central in God's plan. This perspective invites believers to reconsider the enduring importance of Jerusalem, not just as a historical or theological symbol, but as a living testament to God's ongoing story with humanity.

    Through Seth Postell's insights, listeners are encouraged to embrace a broader understanding of biblical context, the irreplaceable role of Jerusalem, and the power of prayer in seeking peace for a city that lies at the heart of faith for many around the globe.

    The episode culminates in a heartfelt prayer for the peace of Jerusalem, reflecting a deep-seated belief in the city's role as a microcosm for God's intentions for the entire world.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • Visualising judgement day - David Goggins

    David Goggins visualises God saying to him: You did what?

    David Goggins talks about the captivating final chapter of his book "Can't Hurt Me," he presents a powerful visualization that challenges listeners to confront their potential and the choices they make in life. Goggins shares a profound scenario where, upon death, individuals are presented with a document by a godly figure that outlines what their life could have been, based on their innate abilities and potential. This document lists achievements they never realized because they chose comfort over growth, ease over challenge.

    Goggins, known for his incredible transformation from a 300-pound individual to a Navy SEAL, ultramarathon runner, and bestselling author, uses his life story as a backdrop to this visualization. He imagines facing a deity who shows him a list of extraordinary accomplishments that could have been his—if only he had pushed beyond his perceived limits and made different choices.

    This thought experiment serves as a call to action, urging us to live in such a way that, at the end of our lives, we have left nothing on the table. Goggins' message is clear: we should strive to impress even the divine with how much we've achieved and grown, not settling for what's comfortable but reaching for what's possible.

    Checkout "Can't Hurt Me" it isn't just a memoir; it's a mirror reflecting the untapped potential within us all, challenging listeners to pursue a life filled with purpose, achievement, and no regrets.

    Join David Goggins as he inspires you to break through barriers, redefine your limits, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • The power of service & significance - Oprah Winfrey

    Who am I really and what do I want?

    In this profound reflection on identity, purpose, and the essence of our existence, Oprah Winfrey shares her insights into understanding who we truly are and what we aim to achieve in our lifetimes. Oprah begins by posing the fundamental question of self-identity, to which she answers with a declaration of being a child of the divine, born of all that is. This recognition of her spiritual essence, coupled with the acknowledgment of her human experience, lays the foundation for her pursuit of the highest expression of herself as a human being.

    Oprah Winfrey's desire transcends conventional success, aiming instead to fulfill the promise envisioned by the creator at the moment of her conception. She emphasizes the importance of having a vision or direction in life, likening life without a plan to aimless driving. This metaphor serves as a call to action to take control of one's life and steer it towards a meaningful destination.

    Central to Oprah's philosophy is the concept of service. Drawing from Martin Luther King Jr.'s words on greatness and service, she challenges the modern world's fascination with fame and instead advocates for a life of significance through serving others. This shift from seeking external validation to making an impactful difference in the world is what Oprah identifies as the true path to success.

    Excellence, according to Oprah, is the key to leaving an indelible mark on the world. She encourages striving for excellence in all endeavors, as it not only sets one apart but also aligns with doing the right thing. Oprah underscores the importance of being surrounded by people who elevate and enrich your life, highlighting that the quality of your company can significantly influence your path to fulfillment.

    Ultimately, Oprah's message is one of inner peace, alignment with a higher power, and the boundless possibilities that arise from living in tune with the source of all life. Her reflections invite listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery, service, and alignment with the universal energies, encouraging everyone to live a life that echoes their deepest truths and highest aspirations.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • Don’t waste time living someone else’s life - Steve Jobs

    If today was my last day, would I do what I am about to do?

    In his iconic 2005 Stanford commencement speech, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., shares profound insights on life, death, and the pursuit of one's true path. Drawing from his own experiences, Jobs recounts a pivotal moment at 17 when a quote about living each day as if it were your last reshaped his perspective on life. This philosophy became a daily reflection, prompting him to evaluate his choices and actions continuously.

    Steve Jobs speaks candidly about his diagnosis with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, confronting the stark reality of death and the urgency it injected into his life. This experience, he explains, stripped away all superficial concerns, leaving only what was genuinely important. Jobs emphasizes that acknowledging mortality is a powerful motivator to eschew external expectations and societal pressures, allowing one to live authentically and pursue what truly matters.

    His message to the graduates is clear: life is finite, and time is too precious to be spent living someone else's dream. Jobs urges the audience to resist the constraints of dogma, to listen to their inner voice, and to have the courage to follow their heart and intuition. This, he believes, is the key to true fulfilment.

    Jobs' famous speech is not just advice for the young graduates before him but a timeless reminder to all of us about the importance of living a life true to ourselves. He challenges us to embrace our mortality as a means to live more fully, with authenticity and purpose.

    Join us as we re-live the profound wisdom of Steve Jobs on living fearlessly, with an unwavering commitment to our truest selves.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • No one medicine, no one religion - the Dalai Lama

    What do you say to people that believe in one true religion?

    In a profound discussion on the value of religious diversity, the Dalai Lama offers an insightful analogy comparing the multiplicity of religions to the necessity of different medicines for various ailments. He suggests that just as one cannot claim a single medicine to be universally effective against all diseases, asserting the absolute truth of one religion over others overlooks the unique spiritual needs of individuals. This perspective champions the idea that the true essence of faith lies in its ability to nurture compassion, tolerance, and personal growth, rather than in its exclusivity.

    The Dalai Lama encourages us to view religions through the lens of their effectiveness in fostering a compassionate and tolerant society. He highlights the importance of recognizing individual spiritual needs, suggesting that what is most beneficial varies from person to person. For some, a faith that emphasizes a powerful, guiding creator may inspire a deeper commitment to kindness and tolerance. For others, philosophies like Buddhism, which do not center around a creator but rather focus on personal enlightenment and inner peace, may offer the most profound path to spiritual fulfilment.

    This analogy extends beyond the realm of spirituality to the broader principle of diversity and choice in our lives, akin to the variety offered in a well-regarded restaurant. Just as a menu with diverse options attracts more customers, a society that values and embraces a range of religious beliefs and practices is enriched and strengthened. Through understanding and accepting the multiplicity of spiritual paths, we foster a more inclusive, compassionate, and tolerant world.

    By drawing on the universal need for diversity—not only in the sustenance for our bodies but also for our minds and souls—the Dalai Lama offers a compelling argument for religious pluralism.

    This perspective not only highlights the importance of respecting individual spiritual journeys but also serves as a call to cultivate a global community grounded in empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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  • The privilege of suffering for love - Helen Roseveare

    Helen Roseveare's heartfelt testimony shines a light on the transformative power of experiencing love at its most divine. From the moment she embraced the gospel, her life was forever changed by an all-consuming love for Jesus—a love sparked by the realization of His immense sacrifice and unfailing love for humanity. This profound encounter set the course for a lifetime dedicated to serving others, driven by a desire to reflect God's love to the world.

    Roseveare's journey is a testament to the enduring motivation that comes from a deep-seated love for Christ. Her initial commitment to go anywhere and do anything for Him stemmed from a heartfelt gratitude and awe of His sacrifice. This unwavering devotion propelled her into various circumstances and challenges, including her impactful work in the Congo. Through every trial and triumph, the core of her motivation remained constant: the immense love of God for every individual, and the call to love others with the same depth and fervour.

    Her story is a powerful reminder of the significance of serving out of love. Roseveare emphasizes that true service is not about seeking recognition or achieving worldly success but is a humble response to Jesus' example of servitude and sacrifice. This perspective shifts the focus from the grandeur of tasks to the quality of love and dedication behind every action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

    Through her experiences and wisdom, Helen Roseveare leaves a legacy of faith, love, and service that resonates deeply, especially with young people. She encourages us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus, trusting Him in every circumstance, and to embrace every aspect of our journey as a privilege—a chance to grow closer to Him and to fulfill the unique purpose He has for each of us.

    Makes you think.

    Warm Regards, The Guardian & Talisman

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    6 分