
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #15 - Embracing Our Sense of Powerlessness

    Discover the transformative journey from powerlessness to empowerment on The Wisdom Track. In this video, "Embracing Our Sense of Powerlessness: A Path to Empowerment," we explore the universal experience of feeling powerless and its profound impact on our lives.

    Through personal anecdotes and deep insights, we uncover powerlessness’s isolating nature and vulnerability’s importance. By accepting our emotions and sharing them authentically, we forge deeper connections with others and create space for new possibilities.

    Acceptance becomes the key to overcoming powerlessness, offering a moment of rest and self-care. It doesn't mean giving up or surrendering, but rather acknowledging our circumstances and taking thoughtful steps towards change. By embracing acceptance, we gain clarity and purpose, transcending impulsive reactions driven by raw emotions.

    Join us on The Wisdom Track as we navigate life's complexities with wisdom and compassion. Subscribe now to embark on this transformative journey from powerlessness to empowerment.

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  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #14 - Respect and Contempt

    This month we’re talking about when relationships turn from medicine to poison with Mike Fisher and Snake Bloomstrand.

    Each year millions of relationships arrive at the intersection of respect or contempt. The last few years of enforced togetherness have stressed families and businesses to the limit. It’s becoming clear as we circle the evolving post-covid recovery process that primary relationships have endured much of the stress and the price has been high. Contempt flourishes under stress and it remains a dangerous strategy to flirt with at work or at home.

    Find us at www.angermanage.co.uk or @angermanagementuk on Instagram and @BAAMUK on Facebook.

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  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #13 - Repairing Relationships and Rebuilding Trust

    This month we’re talking about the skill of making up with with friends, lovers or colleagues after a falling out.

    Psychotherapists call this ‘rupture and repair’. There is evidence to suggest that building up our talent to repair after ruptures is key to our overall sense of being able to cope with life’s struggles. It’s healthier to lean in to conflict and try to keep relationships alive while maintaining boundaries, compared to abandoning contact altogether.

    But what if there are complications – like anger issues, historical hurt or gaslighting? Or maybe you’re experiencing what relationship expert Dr John Gottman calls ‘gridlock’ where there’s an unyielding impasse in communication and neither of you want to back down?

    Moreover… when is it time to acknowledge that the relationship cannot continue? Join Mike, Snake and the team to find out.

    The Wisdom Track is where The British Association of Anger Management (BAAM) takes a closer look at its core values of growing self-knowledge, honing emotional intelligence, and learning communication skills.

    Find us at www.angermanage.co.uk or @angermanagementuk on Instagram and @BAAMUK on Facebook.

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    1 時間 17 分
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #12 - Better Loving for Heterosexual Men

    BAAM co-founder Mike Fisher and Craig 'Snake' Bloomstrand are joined by Paul Abramowitz. Paul's the writer of a new book, Sexed.

    Sexed examines heterosexual male sexuality, and proposes that we “Develop personal methods of enquiry into greater self-understanding, meaningful sex and conscious relating and that in fact , when we are able to change the way we understand perceive and embrace our sexuality as men our entire reality changes.”

    Paul’s late father was a gynaecologist and sex therapist. Paul’s 14-year involvement with the men’s consciousness movement confirmed his long standing suspicion of a “Disappeared conversation around heterosexual male sexuality and its impact on our sense of self agency and overall wellbeing as men.” Paul has studied both eastern and later in western sexology, and operates a therapy space for couples and individuals working in matters of sex and intimacy, using his own model of deep transformational sex therapy detailed in Sexed. 

    Sexed is out now from Amazon.

    Find The British Association of Anger Management at www.angermanage.co.uk.

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    1 時間 12 分
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #11 - Emotional Resilience AAW '21 Special

    Emotional resilience is our ability to cope with stressful situations; adapting to life’s ups 'n' downs. It certainly comes in handy when rolling with any blows landed by the C-19 pandemic!

    Developing emotional resilience is a key skill taught in BAAM’s anger management programmes. Becoming emotionally resilient doesn’t mean that you’ll never be stressed again. But it does mean you'll be able to cope better when the going gets tough.

    Join Mike, Snake and the team to discuss the nuances of emotional resilience, how it differs from keeping your emotions bottled up, and how to hone it.

    You can read a guide to emotional resilience on the BAAM website here.

    This podcast is a special for Anger Awareness Week 2021.

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    1 時間 32 分
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #10 - The Neglected Self

    Mike, Snake plus guests Alex Von Bitter and Scott Fee discuss our often most neglected relationship – the one we have with ourselves. This is October 2021's podcast – we're back on December 4th with an Anger Awareness Week special on Emotional Resilience.
    The Wisdom Track Podcast is brought to you by The British Association of Anger Management (BAAM) www.angermanage.co.uk

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    1 時間 37 分
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #9 - Mentoring the Inner Child

    Recapturing a sense of wonder and playfulness is one of the hottest topics in coaching today. To do so we can attempt reconnection with our ‘inner child’.

    Join BAAM founder Mike Fisher and Craig 'Snake' Bloomstrand discussing how you can be more in touch with your ‘inner child’, the childhood self that remains part of our psychological make-up.

    Reconnecting with our ‘inner child’ can help us recapture a sense of enthusiasm that our anxious adult lives suppress. It can also put us more in touch with our core identities, and offer a little love to a part of ourselves that might have once felt neglected.

    Book now for our Mentoring the Inner Child workshop series in September 2021:

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    1 時間 28 分
  • The Wisdom Track Podcast #8 - Keeping Love Alive

    Find us at www.angermanage.co.uk

    Long-term relationships are among the greatest emotional challenges we all face. During the pandemic, with no choice but to remain together in close quarters, some relationships have come under tremendous strain – while others have thrived.

    What are the latter group doing that the former are not? What emotional intelligence skills are required to balance two sets of needs? How do we know when to compromise, and when to draw a boundary? What can we do to make things better, rather than wishing our partner felt differently?

    Joining Mike, Snake and Steve is coach and therapist Karina Andersen. Karina is a sought after travel companion and intuitive depth coach. She teaches awakened leadership paths to leaders, coaches and entrepreneurs and is known for harnessing the listening environment with a level of adeptness that allows her to skilfully guide her diverse clientele towards full potential. 

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    1 時間 31 分