
  • Tender Moments Allows Us To Connect With Our Heart

    On the podcast, I'm talking all about reconnecting with our heart  and tender moments is something I strongly encourage as we grieve. 

    Because when we are in touch with what our heart is needing, we can then begin to heal after our own heartaches. 

    The tender moment that I mentioned at the beginning, that this is the last episode of the You Are Loved podcast. 

    I really feel in this season of my life I need to focus on Grief Recovery and supporting people just like you with the Grief Recovery Method Program. 

    If you listened to last week's episode, I go more in depth about Grief Recovery and how it has brought peace to my life since my sister's death.

    It has also helped me as a mom find peace in my everyday life with 2 small children. 

    I have been deeply honored to walk alongside you as you have taken brave steps towards healing.

    I would be honored to keep walking with you if feel that the Grief Recovery Method might be the next steps as you continue healing. 

    Please share and listen to past episodes because each one  can still offer support and love. (Even if you have heard it before, you never know what your heart will tune into this time you listen to it)


    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!


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  • Grief Recovery is Possible for You to Finally Find Lasting Peace Once Again

    When you hear the word "recovery" I am willing to bet you do not think of the word "grief" being used in the same sentence?

    I know I certainly didn't when I heard the phrase and met someone who is a Grief Recovery Specialist. 

    I thought to myself, "wait is that really a "thing?"

    Grief recovery...


    It is a "thing" and it is absolutely possible for you so that you can find lasting peace that I know you are probably searching for. 

    I know that I was searching for it so chances are you might be looking like I was...

    For peace.




    All the above...

    I share what it was like for me to become certified as a Grief Recovery Specialist and how I can support you even further using the method that has been evidence based for years. 

    What recovery can look like for you and what is possible when you choose to heal after suicide. 

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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  • Update On NEW Book Release Scheduled For Tuesday October 3, 2023!

    On the podcast, I'm giving you an update on the NEW book, Scattering Hope: A Guide For Losing a Loved One To Suicide,  being available for TUESDAY instead of today.

    I was hoping to be able to have it available today because it is my mom's birthday and I wanted to say how grateful I am for her love and support since my sister's death. 

    But the NEW book is scheduled for release on Tuesday October 3rd!

    I am forever grateful to be walking alongside you as you begin to heal after this tragedy.

    Inside I share my heart and story how I continue to heal years later.

    Always remember that there is hope and it comes one day and one baby step at a time.

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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  • My NEW Book Provides a Guide Towards Hope and Healing After This Tragedy

    As I shared in last week's episode, the missing link for me when I chose to begin healing was a guide. 

    Someone who had been through it and came out the other side hopeful for the future and still allowed themselves to feel their feelings and remember their loved one.

    It can be easy to forget that we must go through the pain in order to begin healing.

    My NEW book, Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing a Loved One To Suicide, can provide a guide along your own journey towards healing, love and a peaceful life again.

    It is available SEPTEMBER 29, 2023!

    May it bring peace and stepping stones as it guides you towards love and hope. 

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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  • My NEW Book Is Available On SEPTEMBER 29,2023! A Guide For Healing After Suicide

    There have been so many moments throughout my healing journey where I felt myself saying if only I had...

    This answer has changed many times since my sister's tragic death but the one answer that has remained the same since then is if I only had a guide. 

    Someone who has been through this who could guide me and walk alongside me as I begin the healing process. 

    This would have made all the difference. 

    To be honest, if there was such a person, I certainly didn't know there was one...

    Let alone where to even begin searching for this person. 

    Inside my NEW book launching SEPTEMBER 29,2023,  Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing A Loved One To Suicide. 

    I unpack and share my story of finding myself again after losing my sister by suicide. 

    This week's episode I talk further about Chapters 1-6.

    Next week's episode I will unpack the rest of the book...

    I hope that it inspires you and most of all, gives you hope, courage and yes, guides you towards your own healing.

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

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  • Being a Bright Light in the Sea of Darkness As We Walk For Prevention

    I remember what it was like attending my first Out Of The Darkness walk for American Foundation For Suicide Prevention(AFSP) in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

    I wasn't sure what to expect? 

    Being super nervous and anxious for what it was going to be like attending an event like this as I was walking on behalf of my sister and honoring her memory. 

    Little did I know that it would become something I looked forward to doing each year that I was able to attend since my first time going. 

    You see, I was able to look out at the sea of beautiful people as they were walking for their loved one. 

    Each had a unique story.

    One of heartbreak and sorrow. 

    But there was LOVE too...

    Reminders of hope every brave step you took as you walked for your loved one and their life. 

    I hope you never miss the opportunity to attend a walk in your own backyard among your community. 

    You will always remember this incredible experience when you are able to attend.  

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

    To Find a walk in your area please check out the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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  • First Day of Healing Begins with YOU and Your Decision to Do This...

    If you are going to start YOUR journey towards healing it truly does begin AND end with you making a choice...

    A choice that only you get to make. 

    Thank goodness we never get to release our own decision to begin healing after this tragedy!

    If someone else is trying to convince you that you can't begin healing or that you don't have control well, I give you permission to stand up straight and tell them "they are wrong.."

    I realized early on in my own journey towards healing that NOBODY was going to take the decision away from me. 

    I simply wouldn't allow that to happen.


    Because this is my choice to start healing and begin now. 

    I want to encourage you to choose hope and take the first brave step.

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

    *You can purchase my NEW book "Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing A Loved One To Suicide."

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  • Special Guest, Alexandra Wyman Joins Me To Discuss Motherhood Now After Her Late Husband's Death

    On the podcast, I'm talking with special guest Alexandra Wyman. 

    If you have found yourself a widow and have little ones at home after this tragedy, you will want to tune into this episode. 

    Alexandra shares her heart and how she is navigating motherhood now that her husband is gone. 

    How she handled the question that her young son would ask, "Where is Daddy?" 

    This is such a hard question that I had to answer for myself when explaining my sister's death to my daughter. 

    I know that if you are struggling with how to support yourself and your children after this tragedy, you can find comfort after listening to this week's episode. 

    Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

    Alexandra's book, The Suicide Club: What To Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death can be found on Amazon.

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