
  • The Waiting Room: Navigating the Space Between Your 1.0 and 2.0 Self

    In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of "the waiting room" — a space we enter when we're doing the hard work of evolving into the better version of ourselves, our 2.0 selves. I explain what this waiting room is and the feelings that can accompany it, from the discomfort and uncertainty to moments of clarity and growth. It's completely normal to experience a range of emotions, both positive and negative, during this time.

    I share personal stories, reflecting on feelings of loneliness and heightened anxiety, especially when I made the difficult choice to stop investing energy into friendships that no longer served me. It was like going through a mourning period, saying goodbye to my 1.0 self and the people, habits, and patterns tied to that version. But this mourning is necessary to make space for the 2.0 version of ourselves — a more aligned, purposeful self.

    Throughout this process, I revisit my 100% energy theory, which runs as a thread through all my episodes, and also draw on the life garden analogy. Just like in a garden, we must weed out what no longer belongs to nourish the things we want to grow. By doing this, we can step into our 2.0 selves, feeling more grounded and intentional.

    This episode serves as a reminder that it's okay to feel a sense of loss and unease in this waiting room, but it's also where the seeds of transformation are planted.

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  • Embracing Duality: You Are Both a Masterpiece and a Work in Progress

    In today’s solo episode, I explore the powerful concept of embracing yourself as both a masterpiece and a constant work in progress. Building on the 100% Energy Theory, I discuss how this dual mindset can help you better manage your energy by focusing on growth and fulfillment while letting go of the things that no longer serve you.

    I begin by acknowledging the duality within all of us. You’ll discover how seeing yourself as complete and valuable in the present moment can coexist with the desire to keep growing and learning. The goal is to shift your mindset so you feel less pressure to be perfect and more empowered to appreciate your current strengths while pursuing future growth.

    I explain how adopting a “masterpiece mindset” can conserve energy and foster self-care and how channeling your energy into purposeful growth can prevent burnout and help you progress meaningfully.

    If you found today’s conversation helpful, please consider leaving a review. Your feedback not only supports the podcast but also helps us reach more people looking to optimize their energy and personal growth.

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  • The Time Trap: Redefine Your Relationship with Time

    In this episode, I dive into the relentless pressure we feel to manage time efficiently in our fast-paced world. As I celebrate my 41st birthday, a time that naturally brings reflection, I find myself at the start of a new school year—an annual milestone that has always felt like a personal New Year to me. This season prompts me to look back on the summer and think about all the things I wanted to do but didn’t quite get to, which often leaves me feeling like I’ve fallen short. These missed opportunities aren’t just about the activities themselves; they tie into a much larger societal pressure surrounding age and time that I’ve felt deeply throughout my life.

    I share my journey of once thriving on the praise of being "so busy" and juggling everything, only to realize that this mindset was taking a significant emotional toll on my well-being. I used to love hearing people say, "OMG, you are so busy, how do you do it all?" because it made me feel accomplished and validated. But over time, I’ve come to understand that societal expectations around age and productivity have had a lasting impact on me, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a constant sense that there's never enough time or that I'm not using it wisely. This pressure has followed me well into adulthood, and I’m now actively working to change my relationship with time.

    In this episode, I talk about the shift from valuing busyness to striving for balance. I explore how I’m trying to break free from the vortex of time by focusing on quality over quantity, and how I’m learning to embrace the present moment without the constant rush. I also share practical strategies and mindset shifts that are helping me combat the anxiety of feeling like there’s never enough time. My hope is that by opening up about my experience, others might reflect on how societal pressures around time are affecting them and consider ways to reclaim their peace.

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    24 分
  • Mental Gymnastics: When to Quit and When to Persist

    In this episode, I share a personal and reflective conversation about the mental gymnastics I experienced while on a trip with my husband. I found myself torn between the urge to work and the desire to enjoy my time in an unfamiliar city. This internal struggle led me to reflect on an article I recently read titled "It's Okay to Be a Quitter," which resonated with my current situation.

    I delve into the societal pressures and personal expectations that often push us to overcomplicate decisions and push through tasks, even when they don't align with our immediate goals or well-being. The article's quote, "Stop with the mental gymnastics," struck a chord with me, highlighting how we often create unnecessary stress over matters that, in the grand scheme of things, may not be as significant as we make them out to be.

    I discuss the importance of taking a bird's eye view of our lives, recognizing when it's okay to step back, reassess, and even change our minds. This resonates deeply with my journey towards Teri 2.0, where I've worked hard to manage my energy and avoid burnout. Yet, I found myself wrestling with the commitment to produce a podcast episode, even while on vacation. This episode is a raw and honest exploration of that internal conflict, as well as a reminder that it's okay to slow down and prioritize our well-being.

    As I wrap up, I reflect on how talking through these thoughts—whether in a podcast, a voice note to a friend, or even a journal—can help us process and plant seeds of change in our lives. I encourage listeners to consider their own triggers, societal pressures, and mental gymnastics, and to remember that it's okay to quit, change direction, or simply take a break when needed.

    Thank you for walking through this journey with me, and as always, I appreciate your support and listening ears.

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    21 分
  • Creating Mental Space: The Art of Spacious Thinking

    In this episode, I delve into "spacious thinking," a mindset I've naturally embraced, especially since beginning my Teri 2.0 journey. Spacious thinking involves stepping back from life's rush, slowing down, and creating mental space for reflection. It’s about seeing situations from a broader, "bird's eye view," which has helped me manage anxiety by detaching from the immediate urgency of problems and focusing on the bigger picture.

    In the past, I reacted quickly to everything, always on edge. But now, I’ve learned to slow down, savor the little moments, and avoid letting life blur by. This shift has been a game-changer, allowing me to make decisions without the weight of anxiety. When stuck in anxious thoughts, I remind myself to rise above and view situations from a higher perspective, which often brings clarity and reduces overwhelm.

    I liken spacious thinking to the 24-hour rule in hockey, where cooling off before reacting leads to better decisions. It’s also like a seed growing in a garden—our thoughts need space to develop without rushing to conclusions.

    Incorporating spacious thinking has not only reduced stress but also boosted my creativity. By giving my mind the space to rest, creative ideas flow more freely, often in moments of relaxation. This mindset has also made me more mindful of others, strengthening relationships and enhancing my overall well-being.

    Implementing spacious thinking takes practice, especially in a fast-paced world. But with patience, it can become a powerful tool for managing stress and making thoughtful choices. If this concept resonates with you, I’d love to hear about your experiences and how it has helped you.

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  • Success Redefined: Beyond Job Titles and Income

    In this episode of the One Seed Podcast, I dive into the assumptions that often come with job titles and how we tend to equate someone's work with their overall success in life. I open up about my personal struggle to clearly state what I do for work when meeting new people, fearing that my titles may not convey the success I truly feel. This leads to a deeper discussion on what success really means and why it can't be measured by traditional metrics like job status or income alone.

    I challenge the notion that success should be gauged by how much money we make or how prestigious our job title is. Instead, I explore alternative measures of success, such as the number of memories we create, the amount of time spent in the sunshine, and our overall happiness. Imagine a world where, instead of asking about our job titles when introducing ourselves, we asked, "On a scale from one to ten, how happy are you?"

    I also touch on the idea of exchanging our time for money, questioning the true cost of chasing financial success. Is it worth sacrificing our time, our happiness, and our well-being? Join me as I unpack these thoughts and offer a fresh perspective on how we define success in our lives.

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    18 分
  • Avoiding Burnout: Practical Tips from the 100% Energy Theory

    Welcome to part three of my 100% Energy Theory series! If you're new, I recommend starting from part one to get the full context. For returning listeners, I hope you're feeling more balanced and grounded as you apply the theory.

    In this episode, we focus on making the 100% Energy Theory a daily routine. Reflect on your energy use throughout the day, whether during lunch, your commute, or other quiet moments. This practice helps prevent unnecessary stress and allows for mindful energy allocation.

    Accept that some days you'll have less than 100% energy. Manage your day accordingly to avoid burnout. Communicate your energy levels with those around you to maintain balance and share tasks effectively.

    Effective energy management means saving enough for what truly matters, like quality time with family or pursuing hobbies. By reflecting on your energy use and making small adjustments, you can avoid burnout and create more room for joy and fulfillment.

    Thank you for being here and supporting this journey. I hope this theory inspires you to live a more balanced, grounded life. Stay tuned for what's next, and as always, thank you for listening!

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    17 分
  • Breaking the Cycle: Identifying Hidden Energy Drains in Your Daily Life

    In this episode, we continue from where we left off last week, exploring the 100% energy theory. I delve deeper into some personal realizations that have shaped my approach to managing my energy effectively. Reflecting on my journey, I uncover the subconscious habits that frequently pushed me beyond my daily 100% energy limit. Among these habits were seeking external validation, doom scrolling on social media, striving for perfection, and surprisingly, several others.

    By sharing these personal experiences, I aim to provide you with insights into what might be causing you to exceed your 100% energy throughout the day.

    Tune in to discover how these hidden energy drains might be impacting your daily life and learn strategies to better manage your energy.

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